What Is A Full Turn In Gymnastics?

A full turn in gymnastics is an intermediate-level skill that requires the gymnast to spin 360 degrees on the ball of their foot. It can be challenging for beginners, but with practice and proper technique, most gymnasts can learn this skill.

full turn on beam

Here’s a detailed guide to the full turn in gymnastics with tips and advice on how to master it.

Definition of a Full-turn

To perform a full turn, you need to rotate your body 360 degrees while standing on the ball of your foot in relevé. Relevé involves standing on the ball of your foot with your body forming a straight line from your knee to the ball of your foot.

There are two ways to begin a full turn: from a pointed foot position with one foot in front of you, or from a lunge position with one leg bent and your weight on it.

Why do gymnasts use a Full-turn?

In gymnastics, turns play a crucial role in both beam and floor routines. As a gymnast, you might assume that dance moves are not a significant aspect of the sport. However, that is far from the truth. Beginning at Level 2 with a 90° heel snap turn on the floor, and advancing to Level 10 with a minimum 360° turn on one foot on the beam, you are required to perform some type of turn in your beam or floor routine.

While this article primarily focuses on how to execute a full turn on both floor and beam, the exercises and drills shared here will help learn any gymnastics turn.

How To Do A Full Turn In Gymnastics

  1. Start in a lunge position with your dominant foot forward and your arms extended in front of you.
  2. Lift your back leg off the ground and pivot on the ball of your front foot, rotating your body 180 degrees.
  3. Bring your back leg forward and step forward with your non-dominant foot, completing the full turn.
  4. Finish the turn by standing up straight with your arms at your sides.

Tips for Mastering the Full Turn

  • Practice your balance and coordination with drills such as holding a releve or doing quarter turns.
  • Keep your eyes focused on a fixed point to help maintain your balance.
  • Use your arms to help control your momentum and maintain balance.
  • Keep your core engaged and your body tight throughout the turn.
  • Practice on both sides to develop balance and coordination on your non-dominant side.
gymnast tip toes

Gymnasts usually compete barefoot however, wearing socks to practice a full turn will help the gymnast spin faster as there is less friction. Care must be taken not to lose control when wearing socks.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Failing to pivot on the ball of your foot, which can cause you to lose balance and fall.
  • Not keeping your eyes focused on a fixed point, which can cause you to lose your balance and fall.
  • Over-rotating or under-rotating, which can affect your balance and control.
  • Not using your arms to help control your momentum and maintain balance.

Equipment Needed to Practice

To practice and improve your gymnastics full turn, you’ll need the following equipment:

  • Tumbl Trak Addie Beam: A low-profile balance beam that’s perfect for practicing turns and other skills.
  • Small weights: Adding weights to your ankles or wrists whilst conditioning will improve your strength.
  • Cartwheel mat with a line on the reverse: This mat provides a designated space for practicing your turns and helps ensure proper alignment.

Cartwheel / Beam Mat

Ideal for practicing turns


By following these tips and using the right equipment, you can improve your gymnastics full turn and achieve mastery over this exciting skill. With time, practice, and dedication, you’ll be able to impress your coaches and achieve your goals.

In Conclusion

With these tips and techniques, anyone can learn how to do a gymnastics full turn with practice and dedication. Remember to stay focused, engage your core, and use your arms to help control your momentum. With time and practice, you’ll be able to master this skill and impress your audience.

Want to learn how to master a full turn in gymnastics? Sign up for a free trial session at Synergy Gymnastics.