What Is A Full In Gymnastics?

full in gymnastics

The Full In is a skill competed on a range of apparatus in Artistic as well as Tumbling and Trampoline gymnastics. It’s defined as a double somersault with a full twist in the first somersault.

This guide will explore everything you need to know about the Full In, from its variations to it’s progressions.

What is a Full In?

In gymnastics, a Full-in is a gymnastics skill that combines a double backflip with a full twist. It is one of the more challenging moves in gymnastics, and definitely not one for beginners to attempt.

There are different terms that describe the same skill: Full Twisting Double and Back-out are both terms used to describe the Full-in.

The key thing to look out for is the full twist happening in the first somersault. The second somersault can be performed in different shapes:

  • Tuck
  • Pike
  • Puck (open tuck)
  • Straight

If the gymnast performs another twist in the second somersault it becomes a Full-full.

If they perform the twist only in the second somersault and none in the first it becomes a Full-out.

How to Perform a Full-in

This should be considered general advice and not be confused with professional coaching in a recognized environment with safety mats. Please do not attempt a full in at home or without qualified support.

Executing a Full In requires a confident double somersault and a high full twisting single somersault to be achieved first. Here are the steps to follow when performing a Full In Tucked on the floor or tumble track:

  1. Start by sprinting into a Round off then immediate Back Handspring.
  2. Snap the feet down quickly so they contact the floor behind the hips. Keep shoulders pressed down.
  3. Lift the hips, chest and arms into the take-off for the somersault.
  4. Start the twist by pressing the chin into one shoulder and wrapping the arms into the chest and rolling the opposite shoulder and hip across the body.
  5. Around three-quarters through the twist tuck the legs and hips up and over, grabbing the front of the legs in the process.
  6. Without throwing the head back, try to spot the landing as early as possible
  7. Extend your legs and land on the mat with your feet shoulder-width apart.

These steps would be slightly adapted if performing the Full In on Beam, Trampoline or as a dismount from bars or rings. When I teach the full-in I use the timing of three-quarters twist as it helps the gymnast get the timing of changing into the second somersault more effectively. If they complete the full twist completely and then change shape, I often find they start the second somersault too late and lose height and momentum.

When performing more advanced moves like the Full In it is important to have a good understanding of the biomechanics and physics at work during the skill.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Performing a Full-in

  1. Not maintaining enough momentum when sprinting towards the springboard.
  2. Failing to tuck your arms in tightly when performing the double backflip.
  3. Starting the full twist too early or too late.
  4. Failing to extend your legs when landing, which could result in injury.

Training for a Full-in

Training for a Full-in requires a combination of strength, skill, and precision. Here are some exercises that can help you build the necessary skills and strength:

  1. Practice double backflips with a spotter until you feel comfortable performing them alone.
  2. Strengthen your core muscles by doing sit-ups, planks, and other exercises.
  3. Work on your flexibility by stretching regularly.
  4. Practice landing on a soft surface, such as a foam pit, to prevent injury.

There are lots of strength exercises that can be practiced on a gymnastics bar that will help prepare a gymnast to learn a Full-in. You may be wondering how a gymnastics bar can help but they are great for body weight exercises like Leg lifts, knee raises and levers which will build up the core strength needed to perform a Full-in.

In professional gymnastics clubs, the Trampoline and Tumble Track, Fast Track (Tumbl Trak) and inflatable Air Track are used to help teach a Full In because the extra bounce and air time gives the gymnast more time to perform the skill when they first attempt it.

In Conclusion

The Full In is a challenging move in gymnastics that requires many months and years of training and progression. Remember to train safely and never attempt a Full In without proper guidance and supervision.

If you are interested in taking your first steps towards mastering a Full In check out our classes on offer here at Synergy Gymnastics.