How To Become A Gymnastics Judge (In the USA)

gymnastics judge

Gymnastics judges carry an immense responsibility on their shoulders. Their scoring decisions and evaluations can make or break athletes’ career ambitions and dreams at the highest levels of competition. But how does one become qualified to take on the prestigious and challenging role of a gymnastics judge? Like the gymnasts themselves, prospective judges must dedicate countless hours to training, education, and practical experience before making it to the officials’ table at meets.

Let’s take an in-depth look at what it takes to become a gymnastics judge and overview the typical career journey and advancement.

Judge Qualifications and Requirements

While the road is long, the baseline qualifications to become a gymnastics judge are straightforward. National governing bodies like USA Gymnastics and FIG (International Gymnastics Federation) set the core criteria judges must meet. While specific requirements vary slightly, judges universally need:

Minimum Age of 18 – Due to the extensive knowledge and maturity required, all major gymnastics bodies require judges to be at least 18 years old before beginning formal training. Some allow students to begin classroom learning at 16, but prohibit officiating until reaching adulthood. USA Gymnastics mandates judges be a minimum of 18 before starting any judging education. (USA Gymnastics)

Gymnastics Experience – Some governing organizations mandate that prospective judges have prior firsthand experience as a gymnast, coach, or other active participation in the sport. For example, USA Gymnastics requires previous competitive experience at the compulsory or optional levels, or coaching expertise at designated levels before beginning judge training. (1) This ensures new judges have an innate basic grasp of gymnastics skills and physiology.

A significant number of judges also start out as parents taking their children to the gym and follow the judging pathway to help support their local center.

Rules and Regulations Knowledge – Extensive familiarity with the sport’s technical rules is a prerequisite. Trainees must thoroughly master the FIG Code of Points, which governs skill values and scoring specifications, along with all other guidelines that regulate gymnastics. Intensive testing on regulations is part of judge training.

gymnastics judging table

Professionalism – Integrity, impartiality, discretion, and professional conduct are mandatory. Judges must leave any personal biases or agendas aside. Diplomatic communication skills are also vital to confer with the judging panel and offer gymnasts constructive feedback.

Time Commitment – Aspiring judges should ensure they have adequate time to dedicate to the training process, which can take months or even years. Once certified, an ongoing commitment to judging assignments, continuing education, and travel is required.

Motivation – Successful judges have a genuine passion for the sport and desire to be close to the action helping shape the next generation of gymnastics stars. Monetary compensation is low especially at the start so the role is a labor of love.

Formal Gymnastics Judge Education

The true heart of the journey to become a qualified judge is the completion of formal gymnastics-specific training courses and education programs. The curriculum are designed by judging commissions within national governing federations or regional sports authorities. While slightly varied, the core education components are similar worldwide.

Classroom Knowledge – Judges spend significant time in classroom environments learning rules, regulations, the Code of Points, and scoring methodology in intricate detail. Memorizing point values for skills, understanding which deductions to take for errors, and learning proper terminology are key areas of knowledge.

Practical Experience – No classroom theory can replace hands-on experience. Trainees practice scoring routines and writing deductions under the guidance of senior judges at local competitions and clubs. They learn critical skills like maintaining split-second concentration, ignoring distractions, and separating emotions from duty.

Examinations – Written and practical skills exams at intervals ensure judges meet strict technical standards on rules, deductions, and scoring as they progress through training levels. Exams get progressively more difficult.

Shadowing – Before fully certifying, judges shadow high-level competitions to witness firsthand how veteran judges operate under pressure at major events and absorb their wisdom.

Many federations break the training into multiple phases leading to different rankings such as State or Regional certification before National or International levels. Specific apparatus (vault, bars, etc.) are also certified individually as the judge gains proficiency. The entire process usually takes 1-2 years depending on involvement level. Dedicated trainees can accelerate the journey by immersing themselves fully in opportunities.

Career Progression for Judges

The education never truly ends for gymnastics judges who wish to reach the pinnacle of the profession. But for those who excel, a clear career development path emerges:

Local/State Meets – Newly certified judges typically begin building competence at local club competitions and lower-level regional meets. Here they gain confidence in their skills with less pressure.

Sectional/Regional Events – As experience grows, judges progress to officiating higher-profile Sectional qualifiers, Regional Championships, and tier 2 national events.

National Certification – Extensive experience and excellent ratings at the lower levels may allow a judge to apply for and earn a National certification. This qualifies them to judge top National meets like U.S. Championships for one or more apparatuses.

International Eligibility – Seasoned National judges with many years of error-free experience may earn the elite FIG Brevet rating, qualifying them to judge international events including World Cups and World Championships.

Olympics – The absolute pinnacle is to be selected by FIG to judge at the Olympic Games. This is a rarely achieved honor reserved only for the most esteemed judges with pristine reputations.

Reaching the top tier and major international events takes most of a lifetime. Gymnastics authorities carefully track judges’ experience levels, technical skills, consistency, integrity, fitness, and conduct throughout their careers. Those achieving the highest rankings often later transition into leadership roles like Meet Referee or Technical Director to guide the next generation.

While demanding, dedicated judges find the long path incredibly rewarding. Officiating provides a way to stay closely involved in a beloved sport and meaningfully impact young athletes’ journeys.

Other Reasons to Become a Gymnastics Judge

Not every prospective judge harbors an ambition to be a part of the Olympics.

Meet organizers will often require the participating clubs to provide a judge to officiate at the event. This ensures that there will be enough judges available for the meet to go ahead. Therefore coaches, ex-gymnasts and parents often begin their judging pathway in order to help support regional level events to take place.

It also means that clubs avoid a fine from the organizer for fulfilling their judging quota.

How Much Do Judges Make

Depending on the size of the event, a gymnastics judge can expect to make $300 – $400 per day (USA Gymnastics).

However, they don’t receive a regular salary as events typically run during certain times of the year and mostly on the weekends. Judges are compensated per day or per session in the US therefore it is often an additional income to a second job or a coaching role.

Other countries will have different systems in place. In the UK, most gymnastics judges are paid less than their American colleagues. Many are simply volunteers or will be paid for travel and accommodation expenses.

A handful of people working at the International level or at the FIG will be employed in a full-time role to oversee the highest regulations within the sport. At this level, one would expect to be well paid as the positions carry a huge responsibility. However, these types of roles are small in number and there are not enough regular high-level events to make employing actual judges sustainable.

Maintaining Judge Certification and Licenses

Earning a judging qualification is not a one-time achievement that confers lifelong judging rights. All certified judges must continually maintain up-to-date credentials and learning. Requirements vary between countries and governing federations but often include:

Licensing – Most authorities require judges to renew licenses yearly by completing specific continuing education and professional development benchmarks. For example, USA Gymnastics judges must judge a minimum number of sanctioned events annually to fulfill licensing mandates. (2)

Re-Testing – Periodic re-examination on technical rules and Code of Points changes helps ensure skills remain fresh. Under performing judges may be required to redo examinations or even re-enter formal training. FIG Code of Points are updated after every Olympic games meaning that judges will need to re-validate after every cycle as well.

Workshops – Active judges constantly brush up on abilities and stay current by attending regular skills workshops. These review new trends, rule amendments, and health and safety issues. Workshops provide critical opportunities to discuss scoring nuances and maintain universal standards with fellow judges.

Competition Trialing – Judges are evaluated at competitions through trialing or monitoring. Experienced judges or technical leaders observe their scoring in real time and give feedback. This helps calibrate judging.

Nothing erodes skills faster than complacency and lack of practice. Remaining sharp through ongoing experience and education is essential. Authorities can revoke inactive judges’ credentials or require remedial training for those who miss workshops or perform poorly at trialing. But dedicated judges view continuous development as instrumental to their duty, not an imposition.

Other Considerations for Prospective Judges

Aspiring judges should enter the process with eyes wide open, aware of the demands and constraints of the role:

  • Travel – Being available for competitions on weekends or short notice necessitates flexibility. Overnight travel is common, especially when starting out, as local assignments are limited.
  • Compensation – Pay is low relative to the hours invested, especially at lower levels. Judging is primarily a labor of love. Experienced National or International judges earn respectable stipends but local judges may barely break even on costs.
  • Work/Life Balance – The required weekends away and preparation time around a likely existing job can strain personal relationships and work-life balance. Judges sacrifice for the joy of the sport.
  • Public Scrutiny – Decisions often come with audience criticism and scrutiny, especially with today’s exposure via broadcast media and social platforms. Judges need thick skin and confidence to stand behind their scores.

Yet despite the sacrifices, most judges feel rewarded beyond measure simply to play an instrumental role in an amazing sport alongside talented, hardworking athletes. The opportunity to shape young lives while immersed in a beloved activity is a special gift for those willing to devote themselves unreservedly. And at the end of it all, judges can say they have made a difference, if only incrementally, by enabling the next generation’s gymnastics dreams.


Becoming a gymnastics judge is no casual undertaking, but a true labor of love and commitment. The path demands years of education, experience, examination, and unyielding efforts to remain at peak proficiency. But devoted judges describe the chance to make a meaningful impact and be close to the action at the highest levels of competition as a privilege worth all costs and sacrifices.

While the judges may be constrained to the sidelines, their wisdom, integrity, and spirit are as much at the heart of this incredible sport as the gymnasts themselves.